Saturday, 7 June 2014



这是从网上购买的 2 个小时课程价值 RM30

开课了,今天老师会教大家做 Fondant Marble Cake

一眼看上去班上一共有19个小朋友, 他们的年龄介于4-12岁。 


老师叫小朋友到烹饪台前,解说如何制做marble cake 要使用的材料

然后, 小朋友回到他们自己的坐位,准备做蛋糕的步骤



轮到家慧的时候,老师问她:"what is this machine?  "
她说: " This is OVEN "   。。。。 @@ 


过后, 大家排队去拿老师已经做好的蛋糕

回到他们自己的坐位, 开始老师给的fondant 皮做装饰


哈哈, 2 个小时很快就过去了


Fondant Marble Cake ~ Smart Junior Chef


  Butter 250 gm
Castor sugar 250 gm
Self-Raising flour 250gm
 Cocoa powder 1 tablespoon
 Vanilla Essence 1 teaspoon
   Milk 4 tablespoon
  Egg 4nos


1-      Add cream butter and sugar in a mixing bowl. Beat until light
2-      Slowly add in egg by egg. Beat until creamy
3-      Add vanilla into creamed mixture and mix well
4-      Fold in flour into the mixture
5-      Lastly add milk and mix until nicely combined
6-      Take ¼ portion of the cake mixture and mix with cocoa powder
7-      Spread some butter on a baking tray
8-      Pour in the vanilla mixture into the tray first.
9-      Then, use a spoon to spoon cocoa mixture on top of the plain mixture
10-   Use a small knife, fork or back of spoon to draw lines
11-   Finally, bake for 45 minutes at 180 degree celsius

Enjoy your Marble Cake

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