Saturday, 30 August 2014

冰皮月饼 Part3




冰皮的制造过程最简单,不用烘烤,所以它的材料糯米要炒熟,怎样知道熟呢? Winnie 老师说炒到糯米粉轻轻地,飘飘地就熟啦!

我用了白和粉红的皮来做冰皮。我想家慧一定会喜欢这种月饼吧!因为有她喜欢的 Icing Sugar,冰冷及QQ 的口感!那知道妈妈用心良苦,她看到我把冰皮月饼切出来时,竟然用她的苦瓜脸吃了一口就丢下一句:“很难吃哟!” 唉!真是伤了妈妈的玻璃心!(哭脸)


无论月饼好不好吃, 我都祝大家中秋节快乐记得回家和家人吃一顿饭,赏月及吃月饼哦!

BEST Baking Solution

Ping Pei mooncake

Pastry (5-6 pcs)
60g icing sugar
100g koh fun (cooked glutinous rice flour)
38g cooked cornflour
160-170g cold water/ pandan juice/ carrot juice/ red dragon fruit
½ tp salt

38g shortening
38g liquid glucose

1 kg lotus paste or any flavor
50g melon seeds


1.       Sift icing sugar, cornflour and koh fun
2.       Mix shortening and liquid glucose with a hand whisk
3.       Add in the flour mixture and mix until like breadcrumbs
4.       Add in the liquid portion and mix until it forms a dough
5.       Rest for half an hour in the fridge
6.       Divide dough into desired amounts. Cover with wet cloth to prevent hardening
7.       Flatten dough and wrap filling
8.       Chill mooncake before serving

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